Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall
(Title Removed)
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September 20, 2011
The Honorable, Jacques ANTENEN
Juge D'Instruction
Du Canton De Vaud
(Address Removed)
1014 Lausanne, Switzerland
IN RE: Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta (also known as Lee/Leo Emil Wanta)
Arrested in Lausanne, Switzerland on 07 July 1993
Dear Judge Antenen:
As a bank consultant, I have spent many pleasant hours in your country. The last time was when I spoke in Zurich at the Dolder Grand Hotel at an International Private Banking Conference. The American Bankers Association published my book, Profitable Private Banking: The Complete Blueprint. The book was sold in America for two years and was then made available internationally by Lafferty Publications (London/Dublin). Copies are currently housed at Oxford and Cambridge Universities in Great Britain.
Since retiring from the business of banking, I have written two books about the current world financial crisis (with particular focus on America’s monetary system). While doing research for the second book, I became acquainted with Ambassador (to Switzerland from Somalia in 1993 at the time of his arrest) Lee/Leo Emil Wanta who was arrested in Lausanne on 7 July 1993. He was taken to Prison du Bois – Mermet, CH du Bois, Gentil, 1018 Lausanne, where he spent 134 days in cell number 130.
I am writing the final book of the trilogy and it will be based on what happened to Ambassador Wanta. His persecution is so reflective of the corruption of not just the American government, but of
governments around the world. It serves as a good example of power gone amok.
Will you please tell me to which Swiss official offices/courts I can write in Switzerland to get copies of the following information?
1. A copy of any arrest warrants issued and any Surete reports filed;
2. A copy of the charges files against Ambassador Leo Emil Wanta at his arraignment;
3. The date and place of the arraignment;
4. Any court transcripts that are part of the public record (all court transcripts are public record documents in America, but I am not familiar with Suisse law);
5. Any court documents/transcripts available that pertain to Ambassador Wanta’s sudden release from cell number 130 on 16 November 1993;
6. Any written documentation as to why Ambassador Wanta was taken at gunpoint and in body restraints to a Swiss Air flight (#51) and returned to New York where he cleared Customs using his Diplomatic Passport which was returned to him by Swiss authorities upon his release from Prison du Bois.
As you may know, upon his return to the United States from Switzerland, Ambassador Wanta was arraigned in New York’s U.S. District Court in front of Judge Allyne Ross and the case was immediately dismissed. I am currently pouring over 2,000 pages of Wisconsin court documents which, in context with the laws of this nation, are shocking by the absence of any attention paid to lawful prosecution.
I want to find out what happened to Leo/Lee Emil Wanta. It would be far easier on my aging body if I can get the information via mail than it would be to spend long hours on an airplane – and both would be less costly than hiring an advocate. Any assistance you can provide that will help me write factually about what happened to an American citizen who was arrested in Switzerland at the Hotel Au Lac on the morning of 7 July 1993 will be greatly appreciated. I want to be fair to the Government of Switzerland and I want to be factual in my coverage of what happened to Ambassador Wanta. My newspaper articles and my books are works of fact and truth and my readers expect no less of me.
(Mrs.) Marilyn MacGruder Barnewall
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